Phone Bone Me
So many of my callers tell me phone sex is their favourite way to masturbate. They say that porn is just not as exciting, it’s not interactive, the people they are watching are just actors, they aren’t relating to them personally or calling out their name, they just simply love the personalization that phone sex offers them that nothing else does. They feel they can really talk to and confess their fantasies and problems to a phone sex girl, many times they cannot even share their thoughts with their wives or girlfriends, since they know their fantasies would not go over well with them.
Hearing their name spoken back to them is something many callers enjoy, there’s an intimacy and a personalization to that, that just drives them wild. Some like to hear “I love you” as well, watching a porn movie isn’t going to give you that personal level of interaction or level of intimacy that the verbal exchange with another person does. Many are long time callers of many years that you feel very comfortable with and they too feel that same level of comfort since you know each other so well. That kind of familiarity can be a wonderful thing.
You can close your eyes and really picture what they are telling you, phone sex is very auditory, but it forces you to picture what the other person is saying as you listen to them paint a picture with their words. It’s a more creative type of masturbatory experience. Porn seems almost crude in comparison, really. You need an imagination to enjoy phone sex, it can be extremely satisfying, but you do need a good imagination to enjoy it to its fullest, and some people are lacking that. They need the visuals in front of them. Indeed some are watching porn when they call up for phone sex, you can hear it in the background. If you haven’t tried phone sex in a while or ever at all, do give it a try and see how it goes, you just might be surprised and like it a lot.