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Short Dick Man



Do you crave laughter as you masturbate? I bet you do, with your three inch cock! Shall we even call it a cock? It’s not really, it’s more like a little clitty really, right? It’s pathetic at best, it’s been a colossal embarrassment your entire life I’m betting. Yet somewhere the tears, the hurt, the laughter, the belittlement, it all sort of turned around at some point and made you aroused. I’m right, aren’t I…Somewhere That girl you thought you had a chance with and she saw it and laughed, or at least tried to hide her laugh, and yet it got your little pee pee hard.

Did you rub it after she left, no doubt to go home and tell her girlfriends about her dud of a date and the pitiful evening it turned into. You still somehow got excited by it all. Some girls that would appreciate your income, or other things you might be able to do for them, maybe some of them allowed you to lick their pussy, at least that was something, correct, better than nothing. They wouldn’t dream of allowing you to put that teeny weenie useless cock inside of them, what for, they wouldn’t even feel that lipstick sized cock go inside!

If you ever did catch one at a weak moment, I’m guessing it was only mere seconds or a moment or two before you blew it, I’m likely right. Such is the dilemma of a short dick man. A lifetime of one embarrassing scene after the other. In school locker rooms, with would be girlfriends. Perhaps an escort is the only one that might allow you in their bed, and even they will be glad when it’s over and will tell the other escorts about what a tiny dick you have. So I can understand why lots that call phone sex lines have small cocks, no real women want them!

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Name: Phone Sex Wow