Can You Handle The Pain?
It’s surprising how many callers enjoy receiving pain. One would think you’d do everything at all costs to avoid torture of the genital regions, but some actively seek it out and can be rather extreme in their fantasies of what they want done to themselves, even to the point of permanent damage, but hey, it’s their own body, if they want to pound their junk until they’ve rendered themselves infertile, they are probably doing the world a favor in not passing on their crazy genes to the next generation. Some will just do insane things to themselves, for what purpose and to what end, I cannot grasp, only they know.
The attached pic is a cock ring of spikes, a chastity device some like to wear and then intentionally arouse themselves while wearing it to of course make their penis become erect and the spikes dig in even more than when they are locked into it and it is flaccid. Guys can be so insane. I can’t imagine a woman willingly strapping herself into such a device to inflict pain on their clit, but some would, I’ve heard from a couple over the years, but not as many as guys. Some are just genuinely into self harm.
It can be rather amusing when some call in chastity devices that have the spikes in them and want you to arouse them as much as possible so they will in effect be tortured as their cocks grow in size and the spikes dig into their skin and inflict pain. It’s a beautiful kind of pain for them. Sounds odd, yet some really like to make themselves bleed and hurt themselves. People can be strange in their desires and wants as to what turns them on sexually, there’s no way to make sense of it in most cases.