You Have A Tiny Penis
One of the most common complaints that callers have is their penis is too small. Small penis humiliation is one of the most requested topics to discuss. Some will cry and moan about how their entire lives would have been different, if only they’d had a normal sized cock. Women have rejected them, made fun of them, asked if “it was in yet” during sex, it’s just been one embarrassing encounter after the next for these poor bastards. Many are also premature ejaculators, so there’s a double whammy for them to cope with, not only are they small, but they are one minute wonders as well, if even that long.
Life is a sad and futile exercise for the man with the small penis. They feel they cannot win no matter what they do, so they often over compensate with having an overly successful career, or getting into body building to have huge muscles when their cock is the size of a peanut, in which case no woman is going to want them anyway. So rejection becomes the norm, what is familiar, so they seek it out. It’s not hard to make fun of these little worms, we know they cannot help it, yet make fun we do of them and their undersized cocks.
One caller last night said he met this hot chick in a bar and they got home and were fooling around and he thought he was going to get lucky. She reached into his pants and actually asked him, “Where is it?” she unzipped him to get a better look and then burst out laughing when she saw his little two incher. She made up an excuse to leave and was trying to control her laughter all the way out of his apartment. He could hear her laugh when he closed the door and she walked down the hall, no doubt to call her girlfriends and tell them all about the tiny dick loser she made the mistake of going home with.