Fire Up The Grill For Some CBT
Cock and ball torture callers can be into some pretty extreme stuff, even full on castration and cutting the penis off entirely. One caller recently though takes the cake for extreme, he’s into fire, yes fire, to torture his cock. Now most of it is likely in his fantasies, but they are pretty weird fantasies to have whether you carry them out or not. I’m not sure exactly who masturbates to the thought of laying their cock on a barbecue grill until there’s grill marks on their dick, but it seems this guy is one of them. Also putting out cigarettes and cigars seems to be great fun to contemplate, leaving scars and wounds all over his shaft.
He said his ex girlfriend used to enjoy laying a hot curling iron on the side of his cock as well, now that would be beyond torture, yet he claims he loves it, there are some very strange people that call to be sure. If he actually does the things he says he’s done, his dick would be burned to a crisp and covered with a multitude of scars long ago. You listen to these people and just think, what the hell did your mom do to you to make you this way?
Not for me to ponder I guess, just let them go on about their deranged fantasies. At least they are wanting it done to themselves and not others, let them hurt themselves, just keep your curling iron to yourself, I say. You want a burned up dick, be my guest. Though I can honestly think of some men that deserve to have their cocks laid out on a fired up barbecue grill. Imagine the grill marks, now that would be cute for sure. A Hibachi would be a perfect size for cock grilling, wouldn’t you say? No need to get the gas run one going, a little table top one would do nicely for such a small job. Weenie roast, anyone?